We started planking on October 24, 2023, for 30 seconds, and ended it on the week of December 11th, with 2 minutes 15 seconds. 

At first, I felt, “Seriously??!!! WE HAVE TO DO THIS EVERY SINGLE DAY WE HAVE LANGUAGE ARTS??????!!!!!!!!!!” But now, I’m like, “I can do it. it’s not that hard.” How?


(My Habit Tracker)

Well, thanks to habits, your body gets used to something if you do it constantly without missing a day. Also, a growth mindset helps. If I thought, “You know, I won’t plank every day,” the result will be, I’m SO WEAK. But because I thought, “I’ll plank so my mind and body will get used to it.” I’m realizing It’s getting easier! And now, 30 seconds seems more like 2 seconds.


(1st Place Photo)

So, when the Plank Challenge came, I was fully prepared and not worried. Plus, we got to listen to music, which easily made my mindset go hooray!!!. I planked for a total of 18.00.10 Minutes, and I took home 1st Place. My new habit going forward will be sketching on paper every day.